- NMNが毛根の幹細胞に作用し、薄毛を治療する。
- NMNは血管を若返らせるので、全ての臓器が若返える。

これとは別に、NMNは筋肉も若返えらせます。脳や臓器が若返っても大きな変化を感じませんが、NMN効果の筋肉の若返りは運動能力の向上を感じ、10 歳から 20 歳年下であるかのように、より良いパフォーマンスを発揮できることを意味します。
hi i’m Dr Arvind Poswal from dr hayes clinic delhi india
today we will be talking about NMN and its benefits
a lot of my patients and readers have asked me how safe is it to use NMN and what are its main benefits and how it can help us with hair growth as well as leading a healthy life
so NMN is a very safe molecule because it is already present in our body
it is a precursor of nad
nad if you remember your school time biology is the currency of energy
so nad is what we refer to as energy required in our cells to multiply to perform their daily functions
basically to remain young so when NMN is given to the human being then it gets converted into nad in each and every cell of the body
when it is acting at that base level so we should focus on one of its core benefits and that is rejuvenation of the blood vessels the finest blood vessels have a fine inner lining called the endothelium and NMN nicotinamide mononucleotide as it’s called
rejuvenates the fine endothelial cells of the blood vessels so it acts on all levels whether it is the heart whether it is the brain the blood vessels in the brain the blood vessels in the heart
much in the similar way it accounts for blood vessels in the skin and the hair
so we have noticed improved skin quality in people taking NMN less blemishes more even tone and less wrinkles also
but that is not what NMN is primarily for primarily NMN is to produce nad so that we can rejuvenate all major organ systems and tissues of our body
now how does it act on here on here it takes in two manners one is when we provide it transdermally that is through the skin with micro needling
you can refer to my youtube channel we have videos of how to perform that it acts at the stem cells in the bulge area of the hair follicle where it induces them to multiply at a faster pace therefore pushing the hair from their resting phase where they are not multiplying into their multiplying phase that is the energon or growth phase
that is what NMN does and that at another level when you are consuming it
it also works at rejuvenating the blood supply of the hair follicle
so used in conjunction orally as well as topically transdermally NMN has good potential
to help you regain or keep your hair for the longest possible time in a good healthy manner
apart from this the noticeable differences of NMN or nicotinamide mononucleotide are in our muscles because you are not going to feel your heart getting better or your liver getting better or even your brain getting better when our biceps our triceps our muscles of the body they get better supply better oxygenation then they are able to perform at a much younger age group means they are able to perform much better as if you were 10 to 20 years younger
that is my personal experience also and what i have observed in most patients however there is a word of caution if you are young let’s say less than 30 and you are already in your peak physical condition then your body has all the nad it requires
and it has all the NMN also that it requires so providing giving NMN to people who are physically muscle wise and joint wise absolutely healthy may not show any demonstrable effect of NMN
because that is the only tissue in which you can visibly see the effects so do not discontinue and NMN just because you do not see the effects in that dramatic affection
if you are old
if you are weak if you are fragile if you are recovering from an illness definitely expect to see a lot of results from NMN also check your biomarkers your blood test you’ll find an improvement in them especially you should find an improvement in your hba1c levels
thank you