



  • NMNは奥様の更年期が逆転した。
  • NMNは記憶力を強化して認知症の予防に効果が期待できる。
  • トムクルーズもNMNを飲んでいて25年前より輝いている


























NMNを始める前は総コレステロールとLDLコレステロールの値が高かったですが、NMNを飲んで12か月後コレステロールが低下して範囲内になり、総コレステロールと HDL の比率が基準値に近くなりました。LDLも範囲内になりました。




妻はNMNを摂取して1年後にはLDLコレステロールとトリグリセリドは下がり、トリグリセリド HDL 比は改善されました。これらの数値はすべてオールグリーンとなりました。


























hello everyone this is richard from modern healthspan as i’m not recording this video at home please forgive the background 

after viewing the videos and reading the papers by dr david sinclair

we started our NMN and resveratrol trial one year ago i still remember after listening to all

the talks by dr sinclair

we were very excited about NMN 

and just could not wait for shipping and decided to take a three-hour return bus journey to get our first bottle of NMN in hong kong

this cost 780 hong kong dollars which is about 100 us doll

so time flies 

now it is one hour one year anniversary 

and this is our first year report first a disclaimer we are just sharing our experience and the protocols that

we’re using in our anti-aging journey 

this video does not provide any medical advice

we have very briefly why are we taking NMN in mouse models 

NMN has been shown to have a number of benefits 

including improving physical and mental performance and extending health span

there are trials currently on going for humans 

but at the moment 

the only completed trial is on safety

we are following the progress of these trials 

and provide updates when we hear anything

we are hoping that 

these benefits will translate into humans 

let’s see how we are going after one year

there have been a couple of studies 

a couple of studies have shown age reversal in humans 

the first of these use growth hormone with metformin and dhea 

and the second of which used only diet and lifestyle 

though neither used NMN 

it does show that age can be reversed 

but when we say age what do we mean we are referring to the biological age 

not the chronological age 

in this case 

we are using epigenetic clocks to measure what a person’s biological age is we use epi age which has a service that only requires a saliva sample 

and there is a link with a 10 discount in the description

here are my biological age measurements 

when compared to my chronological age 

the top line is my chronological age and the second line is my biological age

these are 

both shown on the left hand axis 

the lower line is the difference between them shown on the right hand axis as 

this line shows the difference between my chronological age and the biological age 

lower numbers are better 

here are the various NMN doses and formats that i have been taking in the blue area 

i was using powder and capsules with a starting dose of 150 milligrams up to 750 milligrams

i then used sublingual NMN at one gram for three month trial 

we did have some lozenges left over 

so that period actually extended beyond the three months 

i’m now in the yellow area with enhanced absorption at 900 milligrams 

you can see i started off at 50 which was eight years younger than my chronological age 

around when i started taking NMN and in the last test 

i was 46.23 at 13 years younger than my chronological age 

before we jump into my wife’s age data

let’s take a look at another possible effect of NMN in mouse models 

it has been shown that NMN can reverse age-induced infertility 

there are two major studies on this topic both published in cell last year 

this one was published in february entitled nad plus repletion rescues female fertility during reproductive aging

the researchers included dr lindsey wu and dr david sinclair

they showed that mice who had aged beyond their fertile period

when provided with low doses of NMN had notably better egg quality and were able to give birth to offspring

during a breeding trial 

another paper was published in august entitled nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation reverses the declining quality of maternal aged oocytes 

it states that NMN supplementation improved the quality of the maternal aged eggs and provides a potential strategy to improve reproductive outcomes of women of advanced maternal age 

according to United Kingdom National Health Service

for most women the menopause starts between the ages of 45 and 55.

my wife’s period stopped last year before she took any NMN 

it also stopped for many of her friends who were the same age so she thought it was normal

it was unexpected 

but after taking NMN  her period came back not just this it came back in a youthful way

she has been through the usual perry many poor stage symptoms 

and then 

her period stopped according to her 

she feels like 

her period now is the same as when she was in her twenties less menstrual cramp and period fatigue 

we did not want to mention it in our earlier report as we wanted to wait longer to see if it really continues or it only came back for one or two months interestingly 

it is continuing a final note on this after her periods are back to normal 

for a while NMN seems to have the effect of prolonging them 

so now her policy is to stop taking NMN when the period comes and then retake it when it has finished 

and so far this policy has been working well for her as i mentioned in several videos 

before my wife has a skin allergy which she had before taking NMN in these last few years 

she has had rashes on her hands which come and go she hoped NMN may help 

but it seems not during curving 19 her allergy has got worse 

she is especially sensitive to the antiseptic spray which many families use to spray their hands and shoes when they go into their flats

she gets headaches dizziness and skin itchiness 

even when she just smells the spray from our neighbors 

it is serious enough that she needs to sit down and cannot stand on top of that we found that her skin rashes are getting worse red and swollen after she has eaten certain kinds of food as well

it seems that there are countless factors that contribute to her allergy so she decided to start an elimination diet 

and also stop taking all supplements except vitamins b c and d 

and then to add them back one at a time 

let’s see how she is doing in her biological age with all her inflammation 

and not taking NMN here we will talk about the difference between my wife’s chronological age and her biological age

you can see on her first test 

she was 10.67 years younger but in her next test 

she dropped to only 1.46 years younger 

and then in the most recent test she was back to 4.05 years younger

you can also see the NMN format 

and dose that she was taking note that my wife did not take the first age test with me 

that is why the graph starts at six months and she was taking NMN  before the first test that she did between the six and the nine months

we are not sure whether her allergies accelerated her aging or not taking NMN may have also contributed 

she restarted taking NMN a month before the last age test her allergic status was not much changed although 

there seems no adverse effects after retaking NMN 

and overall 

her biological age is still younger than her chronological age by four years 

so she is feeling a bit better in the lab tests that we do 

they also estimate your metabolic age

you can see here that for me the metabolic age is in quite close agreement with my epi age

now let’s move on to some of the key blood markers my overall 

cholesterol has come down to be in range and my total cholesterol to hdl ratio is now close to optimal my ldl is out of range

but in our recent talk with dr Lisgarden and the video on his site

he pointed out that the data shows an ldl level of 140 being optimal for all-cause mortality in NMN 

i am therefore happy with this current value my triglycerides have gone up over the year so i would like to control them

i’m doing most of the things that should benefit triglycerides 

but i’ve also increased my fibre and omega-3 intake 

and here is my wife’s numbers 

her ldl is good and has gone up during the period while her ldl has gone down 

optimal ldl levels are different for women and again

following dr luskan’s research about 100 is optimal 

her triglycerides have come down and her triglycerides hdl ratio has improved 

so after one year of taking NMN all these numbers are looking okay 

for both of us and here are my liver test numbers 

uric acid is back above range

this may be because of NMN 

as b3 or niacin can be a cause of elevated uric acid apart from drinking some alcohol 

i do not do the other things that would generally raise uric acid the dip 

and rise of uric acid is also coincides with our stopping and then restarting celery seed extract

we have recently restarted with this 

and are now having more fiber in our diet 

and will aim to drink more water 

and see how this number is at the next checkup ast 

and alt are key enzymes in the liver and high levels of them in the blood 

may be a sign of liver damage as one of the concerns with NMN is that it may deplete methyl groups and cause issues in the liver there are numbers which we are closely watching overall my ast and alt ratio has improved where it is now below 1.

here are my wise numbers 

her uric acid is also high though less than it was the comments on my uric acid levels also apply to her

she has seen improvements in her ast and ast to alt ratio to where these are now in range 

so for liver we also seem to be okay except that we need to keep an eye on the uric acid

here is a summary of our physical measurements over the year

i have lost some weight and i’m now happy where i am just need to put on some muscle 

my wife has not lost much weight but then she is underweight so that is a good thing

we did change our scales in the middle of the year 

which means that the muscle mass and bone mass numbers are not directly comparable 

here is the result of the blood pressure and resting heart rate 

i’m glad to see a little progress on the blood pressure 

these charts show our average resting heart rate 

you can see that mine has improved a little over the period 

here is a tweet from dr sinclair showing that 

he too watches his resting heart rate as one of the key metrics here he has reached a level of 49 beats per minute

we use garmin watches to check our resting heart rate

i take NMN after finishing my meditation in the morning 

here is a picture of my wife and my watches with some of our best values 

we track our sleep using a free app which is available for ios and android 

my numbers are quite variable and generally not that good

for november my average was 72 percent 

i do not at the moment know why this is 

and it’s something i need to investigate my wife generally does better her average for november was 90

here are a couple of screenshots for our best results where my wife got a perfect 100 on the excise front 

it has been a difficult year for aerobic we’ve been doing some running

but i am down from where i was in 2019 

when i was at a vo2 max of 52.

this was the best i have ever been since i started tracking 

and it was just after i started taking NMN as you can see now i am at 45 and trying to increase this

my wife was at 47 when she last ran back in october according to the garmin database 

her vo2 max is in the top 1 for her age and gender group 

if any of you watched the recent video on our dna testing 

you will recall that her genes favor her cardio ability and this result does seem to support that for strength training 

i was planning to do a one rep max measure

but after the interview with professor keith barr 

i will instead use his plan for this 

i will pick five exercises and for each of them choose a weight where i cannot quite complete 12 slow reps

when i can complete 12 reps i will move up to the next weight and keep track of my progress 

here is my list of exercises

but at the moment the gyms are closed 

so i will start as soon as they reopen and this is the seven minute exercises which we introduced in the nine month report

my wife continues to do these most mornings 

no major changes to our eating habits

low carbs no sugars no highly processed foods 

we continue with a restricted eating window 

as i mentioned earlier my wife started an elimination diet

she finally took a food intolerance test last month 

and has just received her report

here is part of 

it the items in red show the foods that she has sensitivities to 

and the number designating the level of that sensitivity

she seems to be sensitive to quite a lot with this information 

she can now really start her elimination diet without just guessing 

we covered NMN earlier on the biological age slide

here are the other supplements that we have taken we have not taken all of them all the time and the dose has varied

but this is the core set of supplements as we mentioned 

my wife has gone on an elimination diet and there are periods when she has not been taking supplements on top of these 

we also take various probiotics and protein and collagen after exercise after listening to dr Leusgarten 

i have reintroduced acacia soluble fiber and also dried parsley 

and celery seed extract as sources of epigenet which inhibits cd38 a big user of nad

we have links to all of the supplements in the description 

we mentioned duel and back in our earlier video about free apps to track 

and improve our mental well-being if you want to find out more 

please find the link above on the screen duel and back is a science-based game

which has been shown to improve working memory you need to remember both location plus 

the sound of a square each time my wife and i started just after taking NMN to measure our cognitive progress

my wife has made great progress here the app has a screen which tracks your progress over time

when you start the game the top level is 12.

as she made it to level 13 now her screen shows up to 15 levels in the last four months 

she is typically played for about two minutes a day

it’s interesting that when she’s taking NMN she can normally maintain her level

however when she stops the NMN she drops the game level all the time 

so this is our hair report

you can see that my wife has improved her hair poor status 

my wife has said that i seem to have more hair and the top of my hair has got darker

and i have found that my wife’s hair seems to be more lustrous 

here is a section from the report where they are examining the health of the cuticle 

and you can see that i’ve gone from three to four stars for skin and wrinkles 

i don’t have much change but my wife said my skin does look tighter especially in the neck area 

she also says that i sound younger when i’m talking dr david sinclair took NMN for three years

he seems to have a lot less wrinkles now 

i have only taken NMN for one year 

dr sinclair also tweeted out his previous passport photo from a decade ago and the recent update

he does even look younger when compared to 10 years ago after 10 years 

i will be 70 so there is hope that at the time i will look even younger than now

by the way he also tweeted out tom cruise photo from 25 years ago

and now he is also looking really young for my wife 

she is amazed at the positive progress that she has made in both physical and mental functions within a year in the NMN trial of course

she is happy that her menopause has been reversed as menopause age seems related to longevity later 

menopause seems likely to indicate a longer lifespan for me 

the journey has been very enriching

i’ve learned a lot of things and see so much possibility for the future

i feel really good and think that my physical fitness would be better

if it was not for covid 19 making it difficult to get outside and to go to the gym

we look forward to next year and plan to keep up the regular reports and add more ways of measuring our health

we would like to thank you all for following along with us 

and do hope that the information we provide is helpful to you

